Sunday, September 18, 2011

No More Procrastinating!

Look at the first post on this website. Do you see when I posted it? Do you?

Like when dinosaurs ruled the Earth. 

Time flies when you're having fun. We all know that.
But it also flies when you're supposed to be doing something and you're not. 

I believe I can fly!

This, my friends, is called procrastination. And I am a master of it. That lovely cycle portrayed in one of Hyperbole and a Half's best posts? The cycle of terrible, horrible, no good, very bad lack of productivity? It's pretty accurate. Just look at this fabulous diagram:

That is what I have been doing about this blog since I first created it those many moons ago. So many things I wanted to post, so much shame about not posting anything before, so little actually accomplished! 

But not anymore.

Today, I break the cycle.

In the immortal words of the Black Eyed Peas,
"Let's get it started!"

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